Manuel Serrano
Manuel Serrano
0 Reviews

Tour Destination(s):


Lives in

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom


7.0 years guiding


English, Spanish

I am a resident of Cambridge for the past three decades. And I think all people who visit the UK must come to visit Cambridge, a very special city. I can tell you that I came for a weekend visit and soon decided I wanted to stay here indefinitely. As I was raised and educated in three countries, I have found the international outlook of Cambridge particularly fascinating. I love walking on a daily basis past the place where the electron was discovered, be able to enter a majestic Gothic college chapel where outstanding voices continue to sing in Christian worship as they have done for nearly five centuries, eat a sweet round bread roll purchased from a 100-year-old bakery, or swim in cold water pool that is 91 metres long built in the 1920s. Living in this city of 150,000 is a privilege, indeed. And I became a qualified registered tourist guide to share some of this enthusiasm with people, both visitors and residents, taking them, for example, inside several colleges of Cambridge University. Now you understand why I am in no hurry to move elsewhere to live.