2H "Tasty Helsinki" Food Tour

Helsinki | 2 hours
Tour price starts at
EUR 170
Tour by Anna Siukola
0 reviews
Personalized tour available
Offered in: English, Russian, Finnish
Some tour stops may be changed or excluded in case of poor weather or natural disasters.

Finland had been Sweden and Russia before it became Finland. It explains why the traditional Finnish cuisine has such a blend of international influences. However, modern local recipes offer a new attitude to food-making, using seasonal local ingredients and their novel combinations. Also, have you heard about the ever-growing local trend of making solar food: food made purely of a micro molecule, solar energy and air!?

Join my 2H tasty tour, on which I will first tell you the facts about Finnish cuisine, then we will walk around the places where we can see the examples of the foods we have talked about, and then comes the most fun part: the actual tasting of the goodies! :)

The price will vary depending on your choice of the samplings. Text me, let's plan it together!